Rejected Entry

Nowadays, turning up to an exclusive club in London and getting in is a tough job. You have to make sure you get your name added to the guest list or have a table booking. But even with a guest list, the real deal breaker is the door staff: once you’re in the queue you are being observed for two things: what you’re wearing and who you’re with.

As London’s nightlife concierge, we make sure that your guestlist and table booking is sorted. We also give you tips on what to do, when to arrive and what to wear so you’ll guarantee a great night ahead.

But there are times that people are still rejected entry to an exclusive club. Why? We’ve listed some here:

1. The club is full.
We always tell our clients to arrive early because once the club is full, it’ll be very hard for the door staff to accommodate you. Unless of course you are a model or a celebrity.

2. You didn’t follow the dress code.
All our venues observe a strict dress code policy. Read here to know more about it.

3. You’re a big group of guys.
When booking with us, we always ask for the male:female ratio because if its just guys, there’s no way you will get in without booking a table. It’s proven that guys tend to cause trouble, fights and even to the point of hassling women inside the club. If you want your lads to have a great night, either bring your ladies or spend on a table.

4. You were aggressive.
If you were rowdy in the queue or really pushy towards the door staff and bouncers, then you will get a big fat no. If you encounter any trouble, make sure you call or message us. And we will sort it out.

Also published on Medium.