In every aspect in life there are some things hidden, and when found, they can truly leave you speechless or with a simple smile on your face. They are the best kinds of treasures! Each of us believes that there isn’t much we don’t know about the cities we live in, let alone the countries, but believe us when we say you would be surprised. The hidden gems of London are the best examples for this topic, and we would be more than happy to share a few with you.

The Smallest Police Station

The smallest police station was built in 1926 and it was meant to hold either two prisoners or one police officer. Inside of it was also installed a phone. When the phone rang, the light on top of the station on the exterior, started to flash. This helped those who would walk past it, by informing them of the trouble ahead. Definitely in our list of the hidden gems of London.

The Seven Noses

This appears to be more of a hunt in our ‘The Hidden gems of London’ list. These pieces of art were created by an artist named Rick Buckley. They are unique from each other in color and in shape. You can go about finding them on Soho, and you can turn it into a hunt, and why not take pictures when you find each one to keep track.

Looking Glass Cocktail Club

Next, on our ‘The Hidden gems of London’ list, is ‘Looking Glass Cocktail Club’. It is exactly what the title says. When you walk past it, the façade gives you the illusion of a looking glass, providing a beautiful view of the interior, which is also impressive, with a classy bar and a retro-looking lounging space.

Wilton’s Music Hall

Wilton’s Music Hall is the hidden gem of London with what may be, the richest history. Its beginnings were in the 18th century, and throughout the decades, it has held many functions according to public preferences. It went from an alehouse to a concert room, to a music hall, and then it, unfortunately, remained closed for quite a bit, only to be reopened in 2004 due to an investment and renovations. Now, it is a multifunctional venue, regarding entertainment, and it also offers drinks and snacks for your enjoyment.

Candid Café

This hidden gem of London, on the outside, may look like any other old, kind of run-down building, but on the inside, there is this cute, little café. The interior of the café looks very vintage, with different pieces put together giving it a very homey look. It truly gives you a sense of being home, especially when you sit down to enjoy a traditional Mediterranean meal, or even something quick to go with your tea.

The King of Ladies Man

Now, this has got to be one of the coolest hidden gems of London to date. You enter one of the best brunch locations, The Breakfast Club and after enjoying yourself, you might find yourself wanting to take a look at the Club’s launderette. Hidden there, is actually a sliding wall, which leads you to the ‘The King of Ladies Man’. Here beside the snacks, the main attraction is actually the cocktails, served by the Hawaiian shirt-wearing bartenders. It is truly a wonder!