Top 5 Clubbing in London Facts

London, infamous for its unique nightclub experience is definitely one of a kind! You’ll keep coming back for more, night after night. If you’re one of those clubbing enthusiasts, you’ll agree on these facts:


  1. People who live in London never go to just one club for the whole night.

You do it because you have friends who are partying in different other clubs and who have to meet them. You don’t have a problem getting in anyway because the bouncers know you.


  1. You are thankful for the night tube!

Good bye to taking expensive cabs!


  1. Every person you have ever crossed paths with there’s a 90% that you will see them again.

Better practice your memory when it comes to names because there will be one particular night that you all became the best of friends!


  1. Ethnic diversity.

Since London offers a lot when it comes to tourism. Don’t be surprised when you see Asian, Americans, other Europeans!


  1. Guestlist and Table Booking is a must!

You can’t just show up outside the venue and expect to get in. You need prior booking for every VIP venues.